Same direction

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Guess what I'm jamming to??
Yeah, of course 1D!! (Stole My Heart)
again, thank God for spotify!

courtesy of Tumblr

^ In case you needed another picture.

So, today the afternoon bell rang for us to leave. I left my classroom, went down the stairs, and walked all the way to my school's football field. Only to realize I left my yearbook in the class. Hence, Niall ------>
I had to go ALL the way back, & risk most likely missing the bus. I ran back upstairs, grabbed my YB and sped walked to the buses which is a good length. AND I had on sandals that didn't wanna stay on my feet almost making me trip. I made it though!! I got on the bus with a need for water!!

Today was also MY last day of school :'(

Tomorrow seniors are only going for 1st and 2nd block to take finals. I'm set for those classes though and I took my 3rd and 4th block finals today. I ended up getting 3 A's (Sociology, Literature, Marketing) and 2 B's (Government, Economics). Gov and econ are my AP classes so hopefully my B's will be A's, at least on my weighted GPA.

Also I have orientation JUNE 8th for University!! That's less than a month away :((
I won't know anyone, and i'm honestly really nervous and scared :(

AND June 6th my YM leaves to the monastery 


PS it hailed todayy!!

IG: my front yard. Look @ my piggy!!

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