Seahydration (poems)
Wednesday, July 20, 2016I have been in my feelings for about a week and a half now.
I have been revisiting and revisiting my favorite poet daily. For the last two years, I post on my Instagram when there will be a sale or free download on her books. Lately I have been flooding my feed with her work.

Muscat is on the coast. Lucky for me, the beach is less than a 10 minute walk across the street. I have only been a couple times, but it's so nice. The scene is so peaceful. Big families walking along the shore, couples with their dogs swimming in the ocean, the guys running with their feet in the water, the occasional boat in the sea or the plane in the sky.
Nayyirah Waheed has two books, all poems.
salt. 2013
nejma 2014.
I ten thousand percent recommend that you support this artist by purchasing her work and I assure you, you won't be disappointed. Her work, as she explicitly highlights, is dedicated to people of color. I think her focus goes deeper, more specific but still, worth a read.
I have read both, but read again and took all poems that dealt with the sea & ocean. & lucky for you, there is an abundance. All words pictured are hers, photos are mine from Azaiba beach.
If possible, dwell on her words. Don't just skim.
If you can't, then revisit this post at a later time. Maybe when you are in your feelings. 👽
